[100% OFF] Complete Captioning and Transcription Course for Beginners

Learn How to Make Video Subtitles, Captions & Transcription Using Simple Free/Paid Captioning & Transcription Tools

What you'll learn

  • Unlike Other Courses, Here You'll Also Discover How to Use Automated Transcription or Captioning Tools!
  • Learn about the Best Free/Paid Transcription and Captioning Tools to Use
  • Learn Captioning Guidelines and the Process of Captioning and transcribing Videos
  • Learn How to Remove Background Noise in a Transcription or Captioning Audio/Video file

Complete Captioning and Transcription Course for Beginners


Hi, My name is Nitay and Unlike Other Courses that only explain how to manually transcribe, here you'll also discover How to Use Automated Captioning & Transcription Tools and What Best Free/Paid Transcription & Captioning Editing Tools There Are! A student that takes and completes the course will learn how to get started in Captioning & Transcription for Becoming a Freelance Transcriptionist.

Together we will take your Captioning and Transcription Knowledge to a whole new level through a series of video tutorial lectures.

Here is What You’ll Learn During the Entire Course:

· Gain Necessary Knowledge for Making Captioning & Transcription Your New Part-Time Job

· Gain Necessary Knowledge for Using Free/Paid Captioning & Transcription Tools and How

· Gain Necessary Knowledge for Basic Captioning Terms and the Process of Captioning Videos

· Gain Necessary Knowledge for Proofreading For Better Accuracy

· Gain Necessary Knowledge for Working in Transcription & Captioning Wherever and Whenever You Wish

When I learn something new about the topics covered in this course, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! You have my guarantee that you will love what you learn in this cationing course.


Why I Made This Course?

Some of you will say – why should I buy this course? I can learn this by myself.

However, that’s a great mistake!

I’ve tried searching for this information, but sadly there weren’t any straight answers to be found. In the end, I started earning profitably much later than expected, wishing I already knew these things from the very start. So, I decided to create this course to teach exactly that information and save people precious time.

Acquiring the essential knowledge, the information that you will find and learn in this course, took me several months of extended searches to discover by myself.

Fortunately for you, all that and more can be found right here, thus you will be able to start your journey much faster and sooner!

Don’t make the same mistake I did.


I can't guarantee your success – this course does take work on your part. But You Can Do It!

I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course.


See you on the course!


Instructor Nitay

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who desires to save hours of valuable time and start working right away


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