[100% OFF] Remote Sensing using ArcGIS Pro

 Welcome to the world of remote sensing and GIS, where we'll embark on a journey to harness the power of ESRI products for various real-world applications. In this comprehensive course, we'll explore the essential concepts and practical techniques using ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro, delving into advanced topics such as land use analysis, time series analysis, and urban heat island (UHI) effect assessment.


1) Course Overview

Gain a bird's-eye view of what this course entails and what you can expect to learn.

2) Introduction to ArcGIS Online

Basics of ArcGIS Online: Dive into the fundamentals of ESRI's cloud-based mapping platform.

ArcGIS Online Sign-in and Map Viewer: Learn how to access and navigate ArcGIS Online.

ArcGIS Online Map Layout and Tools: Discover the layout and essential tools for map creation.

Preparing a Map in ArcGIS Online: Master the art of crafting maps for your specific needs.

Introduction to ArcGIS Living Atlas: Explore the vast collection of geospatial data resources at your fingertips.

3) Introduction to ESRI Story Map

Basics of ArcGIS Story Map: Uncover the storytelling potential of spatial data.

Overview of an Example Story Map: See a real-world example to understand the possibilities.

StoryMap Layout (Part-A): Get started with designing your own captivating story maps.

StoryMap Layout (Part-B): Dive deeper into the intricacies of story map design.

Final Example of Story Map: See a polished, finished story map for inspiration.

4) Land Use Science

Basics of Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Analysis: Grasp the foundations of land use analysis.

Downloading Satellite Data from USGS: Access valuable satellite data for your analysis.

Importing Data and Applying Preprocessing Inside ArcGIS Pro (Part-A): Learn the essential preprocessing steps.

Importing Data and Applying Preprocessing Inside ArcGIS Pro (Part-B): Continue with data preparation.

Performing Land Use Classification (Part-A): Start the classification process.

Performing Land Use Classification (Part-B): Refine and complete the classification.

Visualizing and Preparing Final Maps for LULC in ArcGIS Pro: Present your LULC findings effectively.

5) Time Series Analysis for Urban Sprawl Analysis

Background of Time Series, Urban Sprawl, and Change Detection: Understand the theory behind time series analysis.

Preparing LULC Maps for Time Series Analysis: Set up your data for temporal examination.

Estimating Area for Each LULC Class for Each Year: Quantify land use changes over time.

Change Detection in ArcGIS Pro: Detect and visualize changes in land use.

Publishing Findings for Study Area Using ESRI Story Maps: Share your insights with an interactive story map.

6) Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect

Basic Concepts of UHI: Explore the phenomenon of urban heat islands.

Evaluating Land Surface Temperature (LST) from Landsat Satellite in ArcGIS Pro (Part-A): Learn to work with temperature data.

Evaluating LST from Landsat Satellite in ArcGIS Pro (Part-B): Continue temperature analysis.

Evaluating UHI Trends from LST: Analyze and interpret urban heat island trends.

Evaluating UHI (Normalized) and UTFVI from LST: Enhance your understanding of UHI effects.

At the end of this course, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to utilize ESRI products effectively for a range of remote sensing applications. Whether you're a GIS professional, an environmental scientist, or simply curious about the power of geospatial data, this course will empower you to create meaningful maps, perform insightful analyses, and tell compelling stories with spatial data.


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